Chris' Morning Coffee Cup - Free Advertisement For Your Business

Chris' Morning Coffee Cup - Free Advertisement For Your Business

Everyone is Mad About Coffee

What is the most popular beverage (besides beer) in Australia?

If you said coffee, you'd be right. According to the Government of Australia, 19 million people in the country drink at least one cup of coffee per day, and 23% of that number are drinking a cup of coffee heading into work each day.

While many will drink coffee that they have made at home or available to them at work, at least 50% will stop to purchase their coffee at some point during the day.

This is a significant number - meaning that a coffee shop that produces excellent coffee has an opportunity to market its product through the natural sale of their beverages. 

Our Friend Chris & His Cup

Imagine Chris heading off to work. He is tired, dreading another day in the office, and needs a little pick-me-up. So, Chris stops at the local coffee shop to grab a cup of 'Morning Brown'. Out the door Chris goes, carrying his takeaway cup of coffee with him.

When he gets to work, Chris carries that cup everywhere.

It has become his lifeblood. He needs that caffeine desperately and the cup is always in his hand. Unbeknownst to Chris, he is actually marketing the shop that sold him the coffee all over the office.

For free!

But only if the coffee shop has their cup stamped adequately with their logo...

This Is How We Help

This is what Squid Ink Rubber Stamps is all about. Us ‘Squids,’ as we like to call ourselves, are all about providing you with customised rubber stamps that can include the name of your store, your logo, or other pertinent information you want printed.

Think about it for a moment - Our Chris could be holding your cup.

He could be walking around the his office of 400 staff, showcasing your business and where he bought his coffee.

This sounds like good news, doesn’t it?

Jump In and Join Us

Jump into the water with us and send us a design for your next rubber stamp. And it doesn't have to be just coffee cups - 

You can use your rubber stamp in a multitude of ways, including on cups, napkins, paper bags and packaging, and other items in your store. Maybe even your cheek. Why not? Crazier things have been done...

Don't be caught without this powerful marketing tool.

Instead, be a Squid!